The Visoko Manor – the Tavčar Manor

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The 17th-century country manor lies in the embrace of the surrounding hills and forests not far from the Poljane Sora River. The name Tavčar Manor, after the Slovenian writer and politician Ivan Tavčar, became established for the former Kalan estate at the beginning of the 20th century. The mighty homestead and its former owners, the Kalan family, were a source of inspiration in writing the historical novel The Visoko Chronicle (Visoška kronika). 

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Why is Stari vrh so appealing in all seasons?

Stari vrh is a popular destination in all seasons. In the winter, you can test your skills on the white slopes, while the rest of the year you can walk along the hiking trails, visit the Stari vrh Family-Adventure Park, or simply refresh yourself in the hut just below the peak. If you plan on staying in Stari vrh for several days, there are numerous friendly providers in the surrounding area.

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