The 17th-century country manor lies in the embrace of the surrounding hills and forests not far from the Poljane Sora River. The name Tavčar Manor, after the Slovenian writer and politician Ivan Tavčar, became established for the former Kalan estate at the beginning of the 20th century. The mighty homestead and its former owners, the Kalan family, were a source of inspiration in writing the historical novel The Visoko Chronicle (Visoška kronika).
Next to the former residential building, where the permanent exhibitions The Visoko Homestead Tells Stories (Visoška domačija pripoveduje) and a beautiful wedding hall are located, there is a large outbuilding with a typical hayrack – toplar (double hayrack). At the edge of the forest, the writer erected a chapel with a family tomb, in which he is also buried. Nearby is also a striking bronze statue of the writer looking towards his birthplace, Poljane.
In the unspoilt idyllic nature it is possible to ride a bike or walk.
In 2019, the offer was complemented by a new café, where you can enjoy in a cup of coffee and excellent sweets.
The story of the Visoko Mannor connects us mainly with its last owner, a very famous Slovenian writer, Dr. Ivan Tavčar. He and his wife Franja had their annual residence in this beautiful manor. It was here that he enjoyed and relaxed the most, as everyone who visits the manor relaxes and rejuvenates today. The beautiful nature, the well-kept surroundings and the restored interior of the country manor impress everyone.
We thus decided to set up a stylistically suitable café within the building, where the beautiful exhibition The Visoko Homestead Tells Stories (Visoška domačija pripoveduje) has been presented for several years. In this way, you are impressed by the beautiful furniture, made in a style that belongs in such a building in terms of time and content. The waiting staff is also something special. When you visit the café, you get to know their heartiness, kindness, and you get the feeling that time has simply stopped here. Dresses made of blue print, which was a very common material in the 19th century and was printed in the Škofja Loka region, emphasize femininity and cordiality.
Come to the Poljane Valley, to the Visoko Manor, where time stops!
Opening hours of the café:
- every day: 9 a. m. - 9 p. m.
Exhibitions can be viewed throughout the year:
- during the opening hours of the Visoko Café,
- by arrangement for groups.